LUXXprofile - il profilo della personalità

Discover the strenght in your personality

Every person is different and unique and very few personality instruments are able to measure personality individuality. LUXXprofile is the newest instrument of its kind and is based on the most up-to-date results in motive-oriented personality research.

LUXXprofile measures motives, which express a person’s inner desires and needs. These needs are different for each individual, and they form the very core of your personality. As humans, we strive to satisfy our most distinct inner needs. The pursuit of having one’s desires fulfilled actually determines a person’s own experiences and also the way they are perceived by others.

Precise measurement of personality

Your personal LUXXprofile will reveal which motives have the highest priority for you, and how these trigger your behaviour. An example: the ‘Structure’ motive describes the differences in the quest to structure one’s environment in a simple and clear way. If the desire for structure is strong, one tends to act more according to a plan and will pay more attention to details. A weaker desire will trigger the urge for more spontaneity and flexibility in processes. In a working environment, a person with a high desire for structure will be able to perform if they are assigned tasks that respect the need for planning and structure. A person with a weaker desire loves to improvise and will find a setting satisfying if it allows him/her to use this strength.

In this way, the motives form the basis from which achievements develop. Targeted stimuli that match the individual profile can thus increase performance considerably.

To ensure the quality of the analysis of your individual results, you will receive and review your LUXXprofile together with a certified LUXXprofile Master. He/she will carry out a personal performance assessment with you. 

The 16 intrinsic motives

LUXXprofile describes personality in its entirety. The motives accurately measured are: CURIOSITY, POWER, SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE, STATUS, RETENTION, SOCIAL PARTICIPATION, SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT, SAFETY, REVENGE, PHYSICAL EXERCISE, FOOD ENJOYMENT, SENSUALITY, STRUCTURE, AUTONOMY, PRINCIPLES and FAMILY. The individual parameter valued together with the interaction between the 16 motives triggers behavior in specific situations.

During the assessment discussion of your LUXXprofile results, you will learn the impact this has on your life: What are the individual values of your motives? Which of the motives interact with others? Which motives can outweigh others? And how does all this work in your daily life and when you are under pressure?

LUXXprofile is a fully verifiable scientific method and as such LUXXprofile Masters can work in a very targeted way and very close to the reality of a person’s life. The parameter values of the 16 basic motives and their interaction are measured in such a precise way that it is possible to predict behavior in work and private life with statistically significant validity.


LUXXprofile translates the “language of the subject” into knowledge about behaviour. You will realize what is important in your life and what stresses you out. You will understand what unites you with other people and what separates you from them. You will understand the reasons for your feelings and behaviour. This knowledge in itself is very valuable. But it becomes even more valuable in a society that is constantly changing and where coming to terms with one’s own personality is challenged by multifaceted influences outside.

Whether you like to have answers in a work- or private-related setting, whether you have experienced a crisis or are driven by pure curiosity: In the discussion with your LUXXprofile Master, you will gain clarity about your inherent, unchanging motives and receive individual advice on how to reach your personal goals faster and be able to live a meaningful and sustainable life. 

When you are familiar with the intuitive structure of the 16 motives, it will become increasingly easier to assess the reasons for certain behavior patterns, to better understand your personal point of view and to be able to change your perspective in difficult situations. Conflicts, long established thought blocks or stereotyped thinking can be resolved or will no longer appear.

Conclusion: LUXXprofile is an effective method for understanding yourself and others. Life decisions, made on the basis of your personality, will be sustainable as they are made on a solid foundation.

Your LUXXprofile Master will be happy to answer your questions.

Fields of application


In order to treat everyone equally, you must lead each employee individually

Individualized leadership is one of the requirements of modern management. LUXXprofile will give you a basis that allows you to know the individual needs of your employees, which makes it easier for you as a manager to motivate them.

More importantly, you can adapt existing tools such as feedback discussions, target agreements or other incentives precisely in relation to the motives of each individual employee. 

This is possible when you can “read” the employees’ personality. By knowing your team, you will be able to lead more effectively, save time and at the same time increase the performance of each individual.


What if you could put together an optimal team for performance?

How valuable would it be as a manager to be able to predict possible conflicts? Who needs extra praise and who needs independence? Who should be responsible for routines and who needs to work in a team to perform at their best?

When you as a leader have a clear overview of your team, this will save both time and money, while the employees will feel motivated and perform well.


The right person in the right place

What if you could understand a person’s values, motivation and goals ahead of an employment?

What value would this give you as a leader and the team?


As a strategic service provider in your company, you can ensure that you offer the organization both digitization and individualization – two megatrends within HR

The information and data obtained from the tests allow for conclusions about existing and future potential recruits.

You can consistently individualize the development of key personnel and managers based on LUXXprofile. They will be able to benefit from understanding themselves, allowing them to better manage themselves and others and reach their full potential.


When you work with your basic motives, you will gain clarity in relation to your personal goals and how you can best achieve them.

Usually, if you intend to undergo personal coaching, you are looking to solve a problem. Coaching on the basis of LUXXprofile will help to develop your personal skills. It will reveal the uniqueness of your personality and what prerequisites are necessary to change your behavior in accordance with your personality. Your personal resources are driven by your strongest motives and thus give you decisive power to achieve your goals in a sustainable way.

At the same time, LUXXprofile allows you to identify which external factors actually prevent the unfolding of your true potential. Based on this information, you and your coach will be able to develop your customized change strategy.

A life in balance

Understanding oneself and one's basic desires is an important prerequisite for being balanced or for regaining balance in life.

The basic formula of LUXXprofile could be “personality is always right”. What this means is that the solution to a difficult situation can be found in the person’s personality. LUXXprofile Master will identify your true desires as a first step. Second, the internal resources based on your individual personality will be activated to achieve your goals without any (further) loss of energy.


To do sports and perform at a high level, you really have to know yourself well and know what motivates and drives you.

Whether it concerns individual or team competition, LUXXprofile is a unique coaching tool for coaches. You will be able to know what motivates each individual athlete, without transferring your own assumptions to the athletes. This is the key in professional sports: an athlete performs at his best when he/she gets his/her own personal needs met. 

The term individual motivation, based on crystal clear individual analyses, can be used by both coaches and athletes.

 As an athlete, LUXXprofile will simplify how you organize your life and training for optimal performance. An invaluable insight for you who aim high.

LUXXprofile -Scientific background and research

A new level of quality in test development

The more distinct the personality to be mapped, the higher the requirements for test construction. This applies in particular to applications that are based on individual diagnoses and recommendations. The University of Luxembourg’s computer-based assessment group used advanced methods of test construction and was able to reach a completely new level of quality.

The Luxemburg University research team developed a test instrument from scratch. The main goal was to further develop existing personality diagnostics and provide new imputs. As a result, LUXXprofile is able to set a new benchmark and reference. This is particularly instrumental for the professional users who work with individual diagnostics and people-related advice.

The starting point for the project was the confirmation of existing personality diagnostics in the market. The research team examined existing motive concepts based on updated research data and used modern research methodology in test development. The test itself has been validated and standardized in its entirety and achieved very good values in the psychometric quality criterion. The test accuracy has many important advantages for the professional user: Highly characteristic motives and excellent measurement unit make it easier to explain and understand the complexity of the individual personality. The current standardization, which is valid for many years to come, ensures the informative value of the personal test result in relation to the population.

Validation and documentation

Important to know: Development, validation and documentation of LUXXprofile was based on recommendations from Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing of the American Education Research Association [AERA], American Psychological Association, National Council on Measuring in Education and the German standard DIN 33430.

Research partner

LUXXprofile was developed between 2016 and 2017 at the University of Luxembourg’s ‘Computer-Based Assessment Group’. The head of the department is Professor Dr. Samuel Greiff. The department is recognized for the validation, investigation and development of test methods, which are used by the OECD’s PISA study. 


The leader of the research team that developed LUXXprofile is Dr. Christoph Kemper. His research focus is on personality diagnostics, personality and motivational psychology, including the development of innovative test methods. 


Apart from excellent text quality, an important goal of the scientific development was improved transparency. The University of Luxembourg is the licensee of a short-term version that measures the same motives as LUXXprofile. This version is free and available for non-commercial research projects. 

”LUXXprofile provides an important driving force for future research in personality and motivation.”

Dr. Christoph Kemper, leader of Luxembourg Research Team for LUXXprofile.

How does it work

Complete the questionnaire

The LUXXprofile master will send you a link to the online questionnaire. It takes approx. 20 to 30 minutes to answer the questions. Contact a LUXXprofile Master here.

Your LUXXprofile is generated

Your profile is generated immediately after you complete the questionnaire. A LUXXprofile Master will explain and review your individual personality profile, including your motives and individual values.

Understanding personality

During the review, you will learn how to “read” your LUXXprofile. You will understand the specific motive combinations that underlie your personality and how they affect your life. You will receive feedback on how your personality affects other people and how you can use your motives to achieve your goals.